Serial Message Queue.
Serial Message Queue implements a buffer-free CRC checked binary serial protocol to connect to a host computer that will transmit publish/subscribe requests via ZeroMQ.
static void | ready () |
static void | process () |
static void | send_string (const char *str) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString str) |
static void | send_string_id (const msg_id id) |
static void | send_string_hash (const char *str) |
static bool | send_ready () |
static bool | sendTopic (const smq_id id) |
static bool | sendTopic (PROGMEMString str) |
static bool | sendTopic (const char *str) |
static void | send_start (const smq_id id) |
static void | send_start (PROGMEMString str) |
static void | send_start (const char *str) |
static void | send_start_hash (const char *str) |
static void | send_string (const msg_id id, const char *val) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString key, const char *val) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString key, PROGMEMString val) |
static void | send_string (const char *key, const char *val) |
static void | send_int8 (const msg_id id, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int8 (PROGMEMString key, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int8 (const char *key, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (const msg_id id, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (PROGMEMString key, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (const char *key, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (const msg_id id, int32_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (const char *key, int32_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (PROGMEMString key, int32_t val) |
static void | send_uint8 (const msg_id id, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint8 (PROGMEMString key, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint8 (const char *key, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (const msg_id id, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (PROGMEMString key, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (const char *key, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (const msg_id id, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (PROGMEMString key, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (const char *key, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_float (const msg_id id, float val) |
static void | send_float (PROGMEMString key, float val) |
static void | send_float (const char *key, float val) |
static void | send_double (const msg_id id, double val) |
static void | send_double (PROGMEMString key, double val) |
static void | send_double (const char *key, double val) |
static void | send_boolean (const msg_id id, bool val) |
static void | send_boolean (PROGMEMString key, bool val) |
static void | send_boolean (const char *key, bool val) |
static void | send_null (const msg_id id) |
static void | send_null (PROGMEMString key) |
static void | send_null (const char *key) |
static void | send_end () |
static void | startPairing () |
static bool | isPairing () |
static void | stopPairing () |
static int | masterKeyExchange (SMQLMK *remoteKey) |
static void | addPairedHosts (unsigned numHosts, SMQAddressKey *hosts) |
static bool | addPairedHost (SMQAddress *addr, SMQLMK *lmk=nullptr) |
static unsigned | getPairedHostCount () |
static unsigned | getPairedHosts (SMQAddressKey *hosts, unsigned maxCount) |
static void | setHostPairingCallback (void(*callback)(SMQHost *host)) |
static void | setHostDiscoveryCallback (void(*callback)(SMQHost *host)) |
static void | setHostLostCallback (void(*callback)(SMQHost *host)) |
static bool | clearToSend () |
static String | getAddress () |
static bool | init (String hostName, String key) |
static bool | init (const char *hostName=nullptr, const char *key=nullptr) |
static bool | addBroadcastPeer () |
static void | createLocalMasterKey (SMQLMK *key) |
static void | setLocalMasterKey (SMQLMK *key) |
static void | getLocalMasterKey (SMQLMK *key) |
static void | removeBroadcastPeer () |
static void | process () |
static void | sendString (String str) |
static void | send_string (const char *str) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString str) |
static void | send_string_id (const msg_id id) |
static void | send_topic_id (const smq_id id) |
static void | send_topic_hash (const char *str) |
static void | send_string_hash (const char *str) |
static void | send_string_hash (PROGMEMString str) |
static void | send_start (const smq_id id) |
static void | send_start (const char *str) |
static void | send_start (PROGMEMString str) |
static void | send_string (const msg_id id, const char *val) |
static void | send_string (const char *key, const char *val) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString key, const char *val) |
static void | send_string (PROGMEMString key, PROGMEMString val) |
static void | sendString (const char *key, const char *val) |
static void | sendString (String key, String val) |
static void | sendString (const char *key, String val) |
static void | sendString (String key, const char *val) |
static void | send_int8 (const msg_id id, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int8 (const char *key, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int8 (PROGMEMString key, int8_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (const msg_id id, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (const char *key, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int16 (PROGMEMString key, int16_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (const msg_id id, int32_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (const char *key, int32_t val) |
static void | send_int32 (PROGMEMString key, int32_t val) |
static void | send_long (const msg_id id, long val) |
static void | send_long (const char *key, long val) |
static void | send_uint8 (const msg_id id, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint8 (const char *key, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint8 (PROGMEMString key, uint8_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (const msg_id id, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (const char *key, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint16 (PROGMEMString key, uint16_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (const msg_id id, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (const char *key, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_uint32 (PROGMEMString key, uint32_t val) |
static void | send_float (const msg_id id, float val) |
static void | send_float (const char *key, float val) |
static void | send_float (PROGMEMString key, float val) |
static void | send_double (const msg_id id, double val) |
static void | send_double (const char *key, double val) |
static void | send_double (PROGMEMString key, double val) |
static void | send_boolean (const msg_id id, bool val) |
static void | send_boolean (const char *key, bool val) |
static void | send_boolean (PROGMEMString key, bool val) |
static void | send_null (const msg_id id) |
static void | send_null (const char *key) |
static void | send_null (PROGMEMString key) |
static void | clearAllPeers () |
static bool | sendTopic (String topic, String host) |
static bool | sendTopic (PROGMEMString topic) |
static bool | sendTopic (const char *topic, const char *hostNameAddr=nullptr) |
static SMQAddress | messageSender () |
static bool | broadcastTopic (smq_id topic) |
static bool | broadcastPairedTopic (smq_id topic) |
static bool | addPairedPeers () |
static void | send_end () |
static void | sendEnd () |