RSeries astromech firmware
Servo Dispatch PCA9685

Servo Dispatch PCA9685.

#include "ReelTwo.h"
#include "core/DelayCall.h"
#include "ServoDispatchPCA9685.h"
#define SMALL_PANEL 0x0001
#define MEDIUM_PANEL 0x0002
#define BIG_PANEL 0x0004
#define PIE_PANEL 0x0008
#define TOP_PIE_PANEL 0x0010
#define MINI_PANEL 0x0020
#define HOLO_HSERVO 0x1000
#define HOLO_VSERVO 0x2000
// These ServoSettings are for a two PCA9685 boards.
// Pins 1-16 apply to the first board. Any pin above that
// is automatically sent to a different board. You do have
// to fill up all the pins on any preceeding board. The number
// of boards detected is a function of the number of slots (not pin numbering).
// So once you have 16 slots filled it adds support for the next PCA9685 board.
// Only the last PCA9685 board can have unused pins.
// Group ID is used by the ServoSequencer and some ServoDispatch functions to
// identify a group of servos.
// Pin Group ID, Min, Max
const ServoSettings servoSettings[] PROGMEM = {
{ 1, 1000, 1650, SMALL_PANEL }, /* 0: door 4 */
{ 2, 1500, 2300, SMALL_PANEL }, /* 1: door 3 */
{ 4, 900, 1650, SMALL_PANEL }, /* 2: door 2 */
{ 6, 1200, 1900, SMALL_PANEL }, /* 3: door 1 */
{ 17, 1200, 2000, MEDIUM_PANEL }, /* 4: door 5 */
{ 9, 1200, 2000, BIG_PANEL }, /* 5: door 9 */
{ 8, 1275, 1975, MINI_PANEL }, /* 6: mini door 2 */
{ 7, 1550, 1900, MINI_PANEL }, /* 7: mini front psi door */
{ 3, 1250, 1900, PIE_PANEL }, /* 8: pie panel 1 */
{ 10, 1075, 1700, PIE_PANEL }, /* 9: pie panel 2 */
{ 11, 1200, 2000, PIE_PANEL }, /* 10: pie panel 3 */
{ 12, 750, 1450, PIE_PANEL }, /* 11: pie panel 4 */
{ 5, 1250, 1850, TOP_PIE_PANEL }, /* 12: dome top panel */
{ 13, 800, 1600, HOLO_HSERVO }, /* 13: horizontal front holo */
{ 14, 800, 1800, HOLO_VSERVO }, /* 14: vertical front holo */
{ 15, 800, 1600, HOLO_HSERVO }, /* 15: horizontal top holo */
{ 16, 800, 1325, HOLO_VSERVO }, /* 16: vertical top holo */
{ 25, 900, 1000, HOLO_VSERVO }, /* 17: vertical rear holo */
{ 26, 1300, 1600, HOLO_HSERVO }, /* 18: horizontal rear holo */
ServoDispatchPCA9685<SizeOfArray(servoSettings)> servoDispatch(servoSettings);
void setup()
// Open all servos in 4 seconds
DelayCall::schedule([] {
// Start in 150ms
// Duration 1000ms
// 1.0: Move to max pulse
servoDispatch.moveServosTo(ALL_DOME_PANELS_MASK, 150, 1000, 1.0);
}, 4000);
// Close all servos in 8 seconds
DelayCall::schedule([] {
// Start in 150ms
// Duration 2000ms
// 0.0: Move to min pulse
servoDispatch.moveServosTo(ALL_DOME_PANELS_MASK, 150, 2000, 0.0);
}, 8000);
void loop()
+ Collaboration diagram for Servo Dispatch PCA9685: