RSeries astromech firmware
Getting started

This is a very short guide on how to get started with Reeltwo. It has a dual purpose. It serves as a minimal introduction to the Reeltwo library for people who want to start coding as soon as possible. You can also read this page as the first part of the Tutorial, which explains the library in more detail; in this case you will continue with TutorialReelTwo.

How to "install" Reeltwo?

Download the latest release from here Reeltwo Releases. Click on "" and do not extract the ZIP file. Open the Arduino IDE and go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .zip library

A basic PSI sketch

Here is a simple sketch to control the front PSI.

#include "ReelTwo.h"
#include "dome/TeecesPSI.h"
LedControlMAX7221<1> ledChain(6, 7, 8);
TeecesPSI frontSI(ledChain);
void setup()
void loop()